Father-Son/Daughter Retreats

Travis has been a speaker for us at both the Buffalo and Rochester Iron Sharpens Iron Conferences and at last year’s CSB Leadership Advance. Travis connects wonderfully with men and young men and his memorization of Scripture is amazing.

Sam Richbart, Executive Director: The 2016 Men’s Retreat will feature Travis Zimmerman of Speak My Word Ministries.

I thank God for you that you pray for me and support me, Mr. Travis. God has been teaching me a lot and is leading me through life now that I have truly realized his love. Please keep praying for me that I will be able to hear his voice and listen.

-Doug G.

Your testimony, perseverance, and obedience was a true blessing and ministry to my heart at this time. Thank you for your faithfulness to speak the truth plainly and honestly.

Nathan W.